Monday 22 October 2007

Back in the saddle again - well almost.

It has taken me a week to get back into my life in London and start writing this blog again. I have been in the USA with family and friends since the end of August. What a time it was! I traveled to NYC, Long Island, Buffalo, Florida, Canada and Texas.(I even spent the better part of a day in the Nashville Airport). I caught up with family and some very special friends. I had a great time partying, shopping and visiting. I celebrated my 28th wedding anniversary in St. Augustine, Florida and the birthdays of four people whom I hold very dear.

I managed to spend a lot of money shopping for a new floor for the Venice House, clothes and other shiny things! I should own stock in National Car rental and Jetblue airlines!

Life was not without it’s heartbreak though as I witnessed the complete collapse of the NY Mets, gained about 10 pounds, watched the Tottenham Hotspurs collapse into 17th place in the tables and Lewis Hamilton lose the F1 championship. I am off sports for a while, this hasn't been my year! I also missed my daughter moving into her first house.

Life such as it is! I miss NYC but I am glad to be back in London where my daughters and cats reside!

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