Thursday was a snow day here in North London. The city was just about in crisis. The News shows could barely speak of anything else. Jeff reckons we had about 3-4 inches of snow on the balcony here on the top floor flat. Trains stopped running, schools closed down and friends in Buffalo, NY could be heard laughing across the ocean! Our cat Bella refused to go outside. She just couldn’t put her paw down on that weird white stuff! After a visit to the NHS to register (less painless than I thought!) Jeff and I went for a walk in Regent’s Park. We entered the park through the Hanover Gate and started a nice stroll along the boating pond when the digital camera battery died of course! We went home, changed the battery and I drove back to the park to take pictures! How lazy and cold can you be? By the time I found a place to park near the the inner circle gardens the snow had started to melt. All those people who couldn’t get to school or their offices decided to visit the park to take pictures or build a snowperson! What a crowd! It would be one hell of a photo collection if we all got together and shared pictures! I did actually take the time to look around at the park while taking photos and realized how much I really liked the park – even in the slush! Central Park was always my park - I spent my childhood visiting there. I loved the carousel with it's brass rings, the old men playing checkers and I know who designed it! I don't know this park as well and need to find out more about the history. Regent’s Park is truly a year around place.
I have to say that the snow people being built Thursday were terrific and I really loved them. The builders had such imagination and artistic ability. There was a jolly hatted snowman holding a flower, a cool guy with a buzz cut made of twigs and my favourite made by a teenage schoolgirl – a queen complete with crown! But the best had to be a twiggy little guy pointing to one of the rose beds signs that said Remember Me. I can't wait to see what those roses look like this summer as I remember the snow!
1 comment:
Hi ... great blog and a great day out. Snow in London is so rare, and snow in London when I'm actually here and can enjoy it is even rarer!!
There was the snow, there were people making snowmen, there were people taking pictures of people making snowmen, and there were people taking pictures of people taking pictures of people making snowmen!! All good fun.
- Jeff
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