Jeff and I went to the Farnborough Airshow on yesterday afternoon. We were on our way back from Bournemouth where we had dinner with Beth the night before. We hadn't been to an airshow in years and Farnborough had always been our list of things to do here in England. The Farnborough Airshow is probably rated as one of the best airshows in the world, right up there with the Paris Airshow. Sunday was the 60th anniversary of this particular show and we joined about 50,000 other people witnessing spectacular flying demonstrations! At dinner with Beth the night before, we had talked about her experience an at airshow in Niagara Falls some ten years back and she did not have fond memories of it! Too bad. One of my fondest childhood memories is of airshows at Floyd Bennet Field in NYC and climbing around airplanes (couldn't get 10 feet near a plane at Farnborough!). I wished my dad and brothers were there. Maybe Beth will change her mind and attend this one some other time. It really wasn't that loud!
We arrived in our designated parking lot a bit late and missed the start of the flight demonstration. What we did see was a huge Airbus 380 doing aerial gymnastics in the sky. It was unbelievable that an aircraft that large could make tight turns like that! It was like watching a whale fly!
Airbus 380 doing maneuvers over parking lot
The Blades
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