Hi. In the archive section on my blog today I posted a picture of my late paternal grandparents. They are in my thoughts today because it is a Easter Sunday. Keep the chocolate - Easter dinner brings cheesecake to mind! I can't tell you how many times I have heard from people that their grandmother's cheesecake was the best, but my grandmother's was truly the greatest! It was no cream cheese version, it was the real thing - Italian- made with a crust and ricotta cheese. Yes, growing up we were one of those typical Italian-American families that had Sunday dinners that lasted for hours. We argued, avoided certain subjects (religion was a particular no-no!), laughed and ate entirely too much!
Today, the cheesecake moves on. Today will be the first time Carrie will make the cheesecake. I am anxious to see how it turns out. My grandparents are sadly gone but there is something satisfying in knowing that my daughter Carrie is making the cheesecake for this Easter dinner. She is a wonderful cook. I think she inherited some of those cooking genes from my grandmother. She is lucky that the women on her fathers side of the family are also legendery cooks! Even if the cheesecake doesn't turn out perfect (which I doubt!) I hope she will continue to make it until she perfects the recipe so that it is her own.
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